2016 Public Policy Platform | Page 2

meaningful adult life and opportunities. In FY2017, 685 transitioning youth are anticipated. IV. EDUCATION & CHILDREN’S SERVICES  Ensure students with I/DD have access to inclusive, quality, free and appropriate public education (preschool, primary, secondary, and postsecondary education) and receive appropriate accommodations to participate in all aspects of education life.  Ensure children with I/DD are included in neighborhood child care, regardless of the nature or level of their disability. V. EMPLOYMENT  Increase opportunities for competitive, integrated employment at fair wages (“Employment First”) with sufficient funding to provide these supports. VI. AFFORDABLE HOUSING  Increase affordable and accessible housing so people with I/DD can live in the community. Accessible housing incudes physical access, as well as, access to transportation for jobs and social opportunities. VII. LAW ENFORCEMENT & JUSTICE  Support the Ethan Saylor Alliance for Self-Advocates as Educators to promote inclusion of individuals with I/DD to “reduce stigma, increase safety, and inspire relationships of acceptance and support for all Marylanders.” VIII. ABLE ACT  Support legislation to establish a state program that will allow individuals to open ABLE accounts as soon as legally possible. IX. CIVIL RIGHTS  Close the remaining state institutions and oppose the expansion of State Residential Centers (SRCs) and new admissions including respite care. 2