2016 Miniature Horse WORLD Issues June/July 2016 Volume 32, Number3 | Page 30

eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping
Dear tips * horsekeeping
“ Those tips
* horsekeeping
” at tips *
Horse horsekeeping
Shows tips * horsekeeping
, tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping
You tips know who
* horsekeeping you are . It isn ’ t hard to tips pick you
* out horsekeeping from the crowds . I see tips you in
* the horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * warm up pen . I see you in the bleachers . I see you at the trailers . I even run into you in orsekeeping the hotel lobbies tips from * time horsekeeping to time . In the last few tips years * that horsekeeping I ’ ve been around tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping shows , I ’ ve become pretty good at picking you people out .
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping I see you , people tips who * work horsekeeping full time and still make tips it to shows * horsekeeping on weekends . You are tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping worn out from a week of balancing responsibilities , yet you ’ ve still made time to work and eping take
tips care of
* your
horsekeeping horses every day in preparation
tips * for
horsekeeping this show . I see you sacrificing
tips * your
horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping hard-earned weekend tips * to horsekeeping spend it on the road doing tips what * you horsekeeping love while you secretly tips are * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping jealous of the people who just get to do this for a living . I see you sacrificing your muchanticipated tips * paychecks horsekeeping to feed bills , entry tips fees , and * horsekeeping vet visits . I see you telling tips yourself * horsekeeping that it tips * horsekeeping tips *
eping will all be worth it , and I want you to know that it is . Don ’ t let anyone tell you that what orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping you do is only a hobby just because it is what you do on the weekends . You ’ ve got more
eping dedication tips * and horsekeeping perseverance than you realize tips . Don * horsekeeping ’ t forget it . tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
eping tips * horsekeeping money , and tips weekends * horsekeeping to making a dream come tips true * for horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * your children . I see you keeping track of class orders ,
orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping wardrobes , and pieces tips of tack * . horsekeeping I see you working as tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping chauffeur tips
* maker horsekeeping
, scorekeeper , and videographer tips * horsekeeping
. tips * horsekeeping tips *
I see you exhausted from the ups and downs of the orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping weekend and still making tips sure * horsekeeping the horses are taken care tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping of and the kids are all accounted for . I see how you eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * want nothing more than for your kids to do well , but
orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping don ’ t forget about tips the memories * horsekeeping you get to make with tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping your children during this . It may seem tiresome and expensive now , but you will look eping tips * horsekeeping back on
tips these times
* horsekeeping someday and be so grateful
tips for
* it
* horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
I see you , novice and amateurs who are new to this whole thing and you feel like everyone knows it . I see you trying eping to navigate tips * your horsekeeping way through the barns tips looking * for horsekeeping wash racks and warm tips up arenas *. I horsekeeping see you trying to figure tips it all out * on horsekeeping tips * your own , but don ’ t be afraid to ask for help . You will thank yourself for meeting people at shows , and you will be amazed at how it will pay orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping off in the end through connections and friendships . Don ’ t let the intimidation of being a beginner keep you from having fun . Your journey is
eping just tips beginning * horsekeeping and you need to be soaking tips up * and horsekeeping enjoying every second tips of it . * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
eping tips * horsekeeping at shows . I see tips you tearing * horsekeeping up the Open division with tips your * expensive horsekeeping horses you bred tips and trained * horsekeeping yourself . I also see tips * everyone looking up to you . You are a role model for all of the youth and amateurs . How you handle yourself when orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips you win * – horsekeeping and when you lose – will tips make * an horsekeeping impression on everyone tips who looks * horsekeeping up to you . eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
You set the standard for tips the industry
* horsekeeping
, so the way you walk tips
* how horsekeeping you treat your tips * horses is important . orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping Sincerely , tips * horsekeeping
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
28 Miniature Horse World JUNE / JULY 2016 eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping

Dear tips * horsekeeping

“ Those tips


* horsekeeping

” at tips *

Horse horsekeeping

Shows tips * horsekeeping

, tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping

You tips know who
* horsekeeping you are . It isn ’ t hard to tips pick you
* out horsekeeping from the crowds . I see tips you in
* the horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * warm up pen . I see you in the bleachers . I see you at the trailers . I even run into you in orsekeeping the hotel lobbies tips from * time horsekeeping to time . In the last few tips years * that horsekeeping I ’ ve been around tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping shows , I ’ ve become pretty good at picking you people out .
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping I see you , people tips who * work horsekeeping full time and still make tips it to shows * horsekeeping on weekends . You are tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping worn out from a week of balancing responsibilities , yet you ’ ve still made time to work and eping take
tips care of
* your
horsekeeping horses every day in preparation
tips * for
horsekeeping this show . I see you sacrificing
tips * your
horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping hard-earned weekend tips * to horsekeeping spend it on the road doing tips what * you horsekeeping love while you secretly tips are * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping jealous of the people who just get to do this for a living . I see you sacrificing your muchanticipated tips * paychecks horsekeeping to feed bills , entry tips fees , and * horsekeeping vet visits . I see you telling tips yourself * horsekeeping that it tips * horsekeeping tips *
eping will all be worth it , and I want you to know that it is . Don ’ t let anyone tell you that what orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping you do is only a hobby just because it is what you do on the weekends . You ’ ve got more
eping dedication tips * and horsekeeping perseverance than you realize tips . Don * horsekeeping ’ t forget it . tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
I see you , parents of show kids who dedicate your time ,
eping tips * horsekeeping money , and tips weekends * horsekeeping to making a dream come tips true * for horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * your children . I see you keeping track of class orders ,
orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping wardrobes , and pieces tips of tack * . horsekeeping I see you working as tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping eping tips * horsekeeping chauffeur tips
, lunch
* maker horsekeeping
, scorekeeper , and videographer tips * horsekeeping
. tips * horsekeeping tips *
I see you exhausted from the ups and downs of the orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping weekend and still making tips sure * horsekeeping the horses are taken care tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping of and the kids are all accounted for . I see how you eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * want nothing more than for your kids to do well , but
orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping don ’ t forget about tips the memories * horsekeeping you get to make with tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping your children during this . It may seem tiresome and expensive now , but you will look eping tips * horsekeeping back on
tips these times
* horsekeeping someday and be so grateful
tips for
* it
. Your kids will thank you
, too .
* horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
I see you , novice and amateurs who are new to this whole thing and you feel like everyone knows it . I see you trying eping to navigate tips * your horsekeeping way through the barns tips looking * for horsekeeping wash racks and warm tips up arenas *. I horsekeeping see you trying to figure tips it all out * on horsekeeping tips * your own , but don ’ t be afraid to ask for help . You will thank yourself for meeting people at shows , and you will be amazed at how it will pay orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping off in the end through connections and friendships . Don ’ t let the intimidation of being a beginner keep you from having fun . Your journey is
eping just tips beginning * horsekeeping and you need to be soaking tips up * and horsekeeping enjoying every second tips of it . * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
And I see you , show veterans . You ’ ve made a name for yourself in the industry and you are pretty much celebrities
eping tips * horsekeeping at shows . I see tips you tearing * horsekeeping up the Open division with tips your * expensive horsekeeping horses you bred tips and trained * horsekeeping yourself . I also see tips * everyone looking up to you . You are a role model for all of the youth and amateurs . How you handle yourself when orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips you win * – horsekeeping and when you lose – will tips make * an horsekeeping impression on everyone tips who looks * horsekeeping up to you . eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
You set the standard for tips the industry
* horsekeeping
, so the way you walk tips
, talk , and
* how horsekeeping you treat your tips * horses is important . orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
So to all of “ Those People ” at horse shows , doing what you ’ re doing .

eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping Sincerely , tips * horsekeeping

The Ones Who Notice
eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *
orsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping
28 Miniature Horse World JUNE / JULY 2016 eping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips * horsekeeping tips *