2016 LSCPA Report to the Community 1 | Page 28

LEADERSHIP TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM BOARD OF REGENTS VERNON REASER III Bellaire DR. JAIME R. GARZA Chairman San Antonio WILLIAM F. SCOTT Nederland ROSSANNA SALAZAR Vice Chairman Austin ALAN L. TINSLEY Madisonville CHARLIE AMATO San Antonio VERONICA MUZQUIZ EDWARDS San Antonio DAVID MONTAGNE Beaumont DONNA N. WILLIAMS Arlington DYLAN MCFARLAND Student Regent Huntsville TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION BRIAN MCCALL, PH.D. Chancellor JOHN HAYEK, PH.D. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs FERNANDO C. GOMEZ, J.D., PH.D. Vice Chancellor and General Counsel SEAN CUNNINGHAM, J.D. Vice Chancellor for Governmental Relations ROLAND K. SMITH, PH.D. Vice Chancellor for Finance PETER GRAVES, J.D. Vice Chancellor for Contract Administration CAROLE FOX, C.P.A. Director of Audits and Analysis MIKE WINTEMUTE (October 1, 2016) Executive Director of Texas State University System Foundation LAMAR STATE COLLEGE PORT ARTHUR ADMINISTRATION DR. BETTY REYNARD President DR. GARY STRETCHER Vice President for Academic Affairs MARY WICKLAND Vice President for Finance and Operations DR. DEBORRAH HEBERT Dean for Student Services SHEILA TRAHAN Dean of Technical Programs HELENA ARTHUR-OKOR Dean of Library Science DR. BEN STAFFORD Dean of Workforce Training and Continuing Education J. MARK KNOWLES Director, Institutional Effectiveness SHEILA GUILLOT Chair, Department of Business and Technology DR. PERCY JORDAN Chair, Department of Math and Science SHERRY STEELE Chair, Department of Developmental Education DR. BARBARA HUVAL Chair, Department of Liberal Arts JOHN FREYERMUTH Chair, Department of Commercial Music 1500 PROCTER STREET ★ PORT ARTHUR, TEXAS 77641 4 0 9 -9 8 4 -6 1 0 0 ★ 8 0 0 -4 7 7 -5 8 7 2 , e x t . 6 1 0 0 ★ www. l a m a rp a . e d u An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Educational Institutional