2016 FLAIM Handbook | Page 13

Bus riding arrangements are managed by the Transportation Department of EBRPSS and may be reached at ( 225 ) 226-3784 .
The tardy bell is at 8:30 AM . Students arriving after the tardy bell are to be accompanied by an adult . The adult must bring the student into the Administrative office and sign the student into the school .
The student will receive a tardy slip . Note that excessive tardies will be reported to the Director of Child Welfare and Attendance . A tardy is excused only with a doctor ’ s excuse from a physician ’ s office .
Any child leaving before the 3:25 PM dismissal time must be signed out in the Administrative office by an authorized adult listed on the emergency contact information sheet . Students cannot be checked out early after 3:00 PM . During this time , teachers and students are preparing to end the day and cannot be disturbed . If you must check your child out early , please do so before 3:00 PM . An early check out is only excused with a doctor ’ s excuse from a physician ’ s office .
If your child is absent from school , you must send a note to school with your child explaining the absence . Excused absences are : personal illness , death in the immediate family , serious illness in the immediate family or religious holidays . Extended illnesses ( 3 days or more ) must be accompanied by a doctor ’ s excuse from a physician ’ s office .
Absent students are reported to the attendance office and will receive a call from the District Attorney . Students with 5 unexcused absences will be reported to the Office of Child Welfare & Attendance . Students with 20 unexcused absences will be retained in that grade for another year unless the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance grants a waiver due to extenuating circumstances . This is a state law .
Please have your child in school on time every day . We cannot teach a child who is not here , and tardy students are an interruption to the entire class . Keep in mind it is often impossible for a student to make-up the learning experiences provided at school .
In October BESE approved a revised policy on attendance for students that went in effect for the 2011-2012 school year . ( http :// www . louisianabelieves . com / academics / attendance-requirements ) The policy states that students must meet the required time amounts to receive credit for class . This means students are required to be present at least 94 percent of the time – at least 167 days . This