2016 Dawson City International Short Film Festival | Page 14
Black Like Snow
Victore Lafond, QC, 12m, dra
A non-identified car is found in a national
park right on the border separating Canada
from the United States. Matthieu, the park
ranger, goes looking for the owner, who
could be in danger. He will face something
he never expected.
No Breath Play
Stacey Ashworth, BC, 14m dra
A reclusive young woman struggles to free
herself when an experiment with BDSM
mistakenly leaves her bound and alone in
her home.
76 Jansky Units
Damien Ferland, MB, 3m exp
Hypnosis in 3 minutes on Glittery Super-8!
The sequel of a 1982 Canada synth classic
by Jon Krocker.
Seeker Wing
Iris Moore, QC, 9m, ani
One person makes the long and difficult
journey towards finding their own beauty.
In trying to mimic the beauty of others
around them; they repeatedly fail at their
attempts to be something they’re not.
Only when they muster the courage to
look inward, do they find what they were
looking for all along.