More detail is in this plan, which you can review at
Services and support early results
In just one year, the change in these schools has been incredible.
Teachers value the support of our school therapists who help students
address issues and improve classroom behavior. Teachers at these
schools say there are fewer classroom disruptions. We know that
providing services for students with mental health issues is improving
behaviors and learning environments in these schools. So, we are
expanding this pilot to Knapp Community Elementary School right now
and an additional school later this year.
Intentional focus on social-emotional learning
RUSD will expand training and classroom resources for staff that focus on proactive
strategies to support students with social-emotional needs so they can be successful in
the classroom. For example, RUSD is using specific teaching strategies and programs like
the Pyramid Model and Second Step. These tools help teachers support our youngest
students in learning appropriate skills, building relationships, handling their emotions and
communicating with others. If students in 4- and 5-year-old kindergarten attain these skills,
they are set up for success throughout their K-12 education.
We have heard you. We know you want RUSD classrooms to be safe,
positive and productive learning environments. We know you want to
be assured that every student in your child’s classroom is engaged in
learning and that your child’s learning is the teacher’s primary focus.
This strategic plan offers RUSD an exciting opportunity to help change
the national narrative around safe and supportive school environments.
More importantly, it responds to our community’s concerns. Working
together, we are improving learning environments across the District.