2016 Bending Reality Magazine November 2016 | Page 19

Okay, silence is over. I have sat back and for the last day and watched the posts on Facebook. Have responded to a couple of my friends. Some that needed support some that needed some guidance. Not saying I'm great at either but, I try. I started this page simply for this exact reason. Provide a forum for my friends and hopefully and outreach of people to talk politics, instead of it clogging up the normal Facebook page. Now saying that let me move on to the meat and potatoes of my point. If you have been paying attention to my posts, you may have noticed that as time went on during the campaign I made the decision that I was going to vote Trump. Most of my posts are examples of why, but let me define it. As a veteran I could not support someone that would not support our troops, or ensure the safety of Americans abroad. Goes against everything I took oath to when I joined the Air Force. When I served in Iraq, I saw how unjust the Arabic culture could be. Trust me it was a huge culture shock. I have no sympathy for those who abuse human rights, I have no sympathy for those who lie, and you can be damn sure there is NO sympathy given to someone who won't use their God given morale judgment to make a decision to save the life of another American citizen. Let alone to turn around and take no responsibilities for their actions or the lack they’re of. Some of you that supported Hillary, I am sorry for your candidate’s loss. But let it be know she had many cards stacked against her, many skeletons in her closet, and even if she was elected the stack of cards would have not gone away nor the skeletons vanished. You can look back to not only what I have posted but also what others have contributed to the collection of posts within this group. Everyone had a fair opportunity to post equally. And to the millennials, I'm gonna cry cause I didn't get my way, we are gonna fight the establishment and decide that what has taken hundreds of years to build, you will demolish by throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of our streets, I SAY, GROW UP! Go back to school, it's where most of you should be because your parents have paid good money for it, and take a history lessor or 3. Add some economics, and some other social sciences. Take a good look back in history, see what your forefathers went threw to allow you to stand in the streets and act like fools. Remember there was many good men sacrifice a lot to allow you these freedoms. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe it's not your fault. Maybe I should place blame where it is really due. Your parents, the baby boomers, who grew up and secured a life that enabled them to give you enough to spoil the ever-living crap out of you. You were upset because you blindly supported a candidate who was a lame horse. You refused to open your eyes wide to the entire campaign because the media is your best friend and what they had to say was more than convincing to you. The media filled your heart and minds with so much hatred that you refused to even take a look at any of the other candidates, for all you saw was what they force fed you. I might sound harsh, but reality is a dish served ice cold. So put on your big people panties, stop protesting, and roll up your sleeves and become apart of the solution. On the day that you were born, you were an American. Unless you drastically make a major move, on the day you die you will be an American. We are the “land of the free” because of participation. If we continued to constantly revolt over the last several hundred years we would no longer have any resemblance of a democracy, and your freedoms would be limited to a minimum. I spent the last year and a half on my Facebook page, FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, trying to enlighten as many people as I could to what is going on in politics. I restricted no posts for as long as this group has existed (except broken posts and sales ads, I like to keep the group ad free and on topic) I tried my best not to preach thou not vote Clinton, I tried my best to just put the evidence out there to support how bad of a person she really is. The information of the corrupt life she was leading behind closed doors. What you all did with that information was up to you. For the most part I really thought most of you were not paying attention. I knew a certain few were watching do to the amount of sharing they were doing. Currently I have 437 people in my group. Less than 15 percent of them have an active involvement with it. I get a kick out of it when I tell people they are allowed to post stuff here to when the description clearly reads "This group has been created for the discussion and gathering of ideas, comments, and thoughts to make small voices one big voice." Then again not sure how many people even saw that posted to the right of the page. Then again how many people even visited the page and reviewed the posts that where here. A lot of great information has gotten shared here. Some I shared for people that didn't easily have the ability to share. To those of you that help make this group what it is, I say "Thank You.” Our work isn't over yet. Just like what President Elect Trump said early this morning "it's time to bind the wounds and unify our country" I feel is a awesome place to start and I invite everyone to join me in taking that step. It's time to put away our in differences, time to forget about who is a Democrat or Republican. We are ALL AMERICANS, and we all live in the same basket. Whether you choose to un-string its bindings is up to you. We need weavers to help reinforce it so that we all can stand proud at the end of the day and say "we did that." No one man can do great things alone; it takes a conglomerate of people to make it happen. It's time to put away the hatred, dislikes, and nay saying and start looking forward to putting it all behind us and reclaiming our countries values as our forefathers once intended them to be. I'll be around, I'm always watch, and please share in this group it's what I intended it for.