Yellowhawk Systems of Care: Portland, OR
Colorado Department of Human Services,
Office of Behavioral Health: Denver
Massachusetts Department of Mental Health,
Statewide Young Adult Council, Success
for Transition Age Youth (STAY)
Together Grant: Boston
Mental Health America of Indiana/Youth
M.O.V.E. Indiana: Indianapolis, IN
Project ABC: Los Angeles, CA
Pascua Yaqui Tribe-Sewa Uusim Community Partnership: Tucson, AZ
Orange County, FL
Amplifying Community-Based Efforts
Awareness Day represents the collective efforts of more than 1,100 communities, states, tribes, and territories that truly make
this day a nationwide observance. From Guam to Alaska, the voices of families and youth and the systems of care who serve
them are heard in their communities and across the nation.
Every year, communities create