Charitable Mission
Investing in Those Who Share a Vision for a Stronger Nevada
As Reno ’ s only locally owned and governed not-for-profit healthcare network , we are committed to this community and continually improving the care and resources we provide . This means our earnings stay here and are reinvested to bring new facilities , services and lifesaving technologies to our region . This also means the Renown team is dedicated to supporting other local nonprofit agencies who share our vision .
Renown ’ s contributions during fiscal year 2015 totaled $ 78 Million , including funding for research , community initiatives and non-reimbursed healthcare services .
This year , Renown Community Benefit helped fund :
• Space at the Boys & Girls Club to provide health literacy programming , care coordination , wellness checks and telehealth services
• Traveling dental care for at-risk populations through Community Health Alliance
• The Doors to Recovery program , which focuses on preventing drug abuse in K-12 students
• Additional Girls on the Run programs at 15 Washoe County schools
• Vaccinations and case management provided by Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada
• Expanded educational outreach and vaccinations with Immunize Nevada
• A partnership with the American Heart Association aimed at reducing heart disease and stroke in northern Nevada
• A community car seat fitting station offering car passenger safety education , inspection and installation
• Safe Kids Washoe County , part of a global network of coalitions aimed at preventing accidental childhood injury
We are committed to service through organized and sustainable community benefit programs . Learn more at renown . org / CommunityBenefit . RENOWN • 25