TRiO SSS is not just a program that stands alone. Collaboration is a key component in serving our students and
contributes to the success of our program. We are constantly building relationships with departments on campus
for referrals and to support the needs of our students. Some of those relationships include Financial Aid, Padnos
International Center, Counseling Center, Career Services, Freshman Academy, Inclusion & Equity, Office of
Multicultural Affairs and Residence Life. All of these services contributes to retaining our students. We look
forward to continuing and expanding collaborations across campus. Some other ways to work in partnership with
supporting our program includes volunteering your time, donating supplies such as calculators, and personal
sponsorship (Academic and High Impact Opportunities Support Program fund).
TRIO Student Support Services would like to
thank the following individuals for serving on
the TRIO Student Support Services Advisory
Board. Their dedication and commitment to
the program has been instrumental as we
continue to expand and improve the services
we offer our students.
“Make it a habit to tell people t