India Stanford
What is your current occupation?
Physical Therapist
What city do you reside in?
Detroit, Michigan
What was your major while at GVSU?
Major in Health Profession and Minor in Psychology
What is your favorite ESP/TRiO SSS Memory?
My favorite memory about ESP was the different experiences
that the program offered its students. I remember attending a
mystery dinner with fellow members and it was such an
amazing experience that encouraged me to try new things.
Do you believe your ESP/TRiO experience impacts your Professional life?
The guidance and support that I received from faculty of the program, specifically my Counselor Marnie
gave me the confidence I needed to know that I could be a successful and passionate professional. Their
encouragement helped me through the challenges of being away from home, time management, tough
classes, financial burdens, and stress of being the first member of your immediate family to graduate
college. The compassion that the program showed me is something that I make sure to pay forwa rd in my
Professional Career. I remember meeting with my assigned counselor (prior to being a member of ESP)
and she told me she doubted that I would be able to become a Physical Therapist. Needless to say that
was a emotional moment. However once I joined ESP, my experience with my Counselor Marnie was the
exact opposite. She listened to my goals and aspirations, never doubted them, and helped me create
action steps to accomplish them. And she celebrated each accomplishment with me like I was her own
daughter. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be apart of the ESP Program
Any advice you would give to current GVSU TRiO students?
My advice to current students is to take advantage of every opportunity to network and learn from those in
the program or other professionals you meet during your time at GVSU. Celebrate being unique or
"diverse" and use your differences to connect and teach others. Be proud of who you are and confident in
your abilities to achieve whatever dream you have.
If you could give advice to Administrators on supporting TRiO programs, what would that advice
My advice to GVSU on supporting Trio Programs would be that these programs are as necessary as air to
so many students. These programs have helped changed the lives and paths for so many. Your support of
these programs is a support for students to excel despite barriers or statistics. Your support for Trio
Programs help in providing the necessary tools to develop the next Professor or Engineer, or even
Physical Therapist :-)