2015 Year End Results One | Page 8

WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________  Area of Focus # 1: Student Achievement   Goal: Prepare all students with a rigorous and engaging K-12 instructional program to meet the high expectations of College and Career Readiness to empower students to become contributing global citizens. Objectives: Implement and refine rigorous instructional systems using Common Core (ELA/Literacy and Mathematics) standards, assessments, researched-based instructional practices, and technology that prepare students to be College and Career Ready. Close the Achievement Gap among subgroups, including all ethnic groups, English Language Learners, students with special needs, and students in poverty. Deliver collaboratively-developed Curriculum and Instruction in all classrooms and measure its impact on student progress using data from tools well-aligned with current and future accountability requirements in order to adjust instruction, provide interventions, and offer enrichment (such as Dual Language Immersion and STEAMfocused programs). Develop the Whole Child (guided by our Local Control Accountability Plan) and by providing learning opportunities in core and elective academics, character development, visual and performing arts, health and fitness, Career and Technical Education programs, and other co-curricular activities. Provide professional development opportunities for all staff, focusing on Common Core State Standards, future standards (such as Next Generation Science Standards and English Language Development standards), instructional practices, best practices for divergent learners (including students with special needs, who have recently returned to WVUSD from a LACOE-run program), character development, diversity, technology, and assessments; district actions will be guided by feedback from stakeholders, through the use of survey methods. Showcase awards and refine/expand existing programs, plus explore future programs, that provide students with the 21st Century skills needed for them to be college and career ready and to become contributing global citizens. __________________ Walnut Valley Unified School District 1 __________________