WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results
Parent Input
Most construction is complete
Orchestra/band is strong
Students in WVUSD getting ↑ awards
Open House is back
Common Core transition
Music Program/Technology
Cultural inclusiveness
Student safety
Maintain/improve professional development
Appreciate Dr. Taylor’s transparency, involvement, including parents in the process (i.e.
school visitations/district meetings)
School state of the art renovations
Focus on technology
Professional development and support for teachers-Common Core
Level of engagement in classrooms
Inequity in instruction
Implementing Common Core
Traffic flow
o Continue to work with City
o Support busing (encourage/subsidize)
o ↑ to 2/3 of kids taking the bus
Cell tower radiation exposure
Parking lot traffic!!!!
Availability of music instruments
Volunteer streamline
Facilities: Capacity issues (small MPR vs population)
Aged classrooms to be replaced
Perceived equity between all schools in facility improvements
Individual school traffic
Limited cross guards (extended hours if needed)
Motivating long term teachers (burnout) to continue to be enthusiastic for students to
reach their highest potential and continue to care
School security
Parent involvement in high school
Traffic and crossing guard issues
Fundraising burnout
Teacher consistency across grade level
o Communication
Walnut Valley Unified School District