WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results
Student Achievement (continued)
Teachers willing to integrate
o Assess students through technology based learning
SBAC Practice Test
Pathways – Financial Literacy “Reality Bites”
Hour of Code
Math Counts
Science Olympiad *(Odyssey of the Mind Math Olympiad)
AMC – American Math Competition
Increased student engagement
Exemplary Arts Awards*
Social/Emotional Intelligence
SBAC – testing went great!*
Technology upgrades are great
County take back of classes integrated at most sites
MS and HS National and State Recognitions
o Arts, Athletics and Leadership and Academics
Districtwide State and National Recognitions
Student Growth on 5 Cs going well – More engagement/DOK; co-curricular areas
Districtwide training/implementation of CCSS strategies, Curriculum
ELS Assignments at Elementary Level
Increase in Students with IEP going to four-year college
Instructional rounds lead to increase effectiveness in CCSS
Childcare Staff Training in Homework Help – Professional Training
Parent walkthrough successful and forced teachers to go out of comfort zone
New benchmarks and textbook adoption process included many stakeholders
PBIS at Elementary
Increased understanding of what student engagement and DOK “look like”
Increased tech usage by teachers and kids
o Going deeper, innovative practices (close reading complex media)
Increased informational text, web based resources “step away from the textbook!”
Increased cross curricular connections
Collaboration in and among sites
Increased community and teacher buy-in for CCSS implementation
Walnut Valley Unified School District