2015 Surfing Australia Rule Book | Page 39

INTERFERENCE RULES Although two surfers may each have inside position on those respective peaks, the surfer who is first to their feet shall be deemed to have entire wave possession and the second surfer must give way by cutting back or kicking out before hindering the rightof-way surfer. b. If two surfers stand at the same time on two separate peaks that eventually meet, then: 1. If they both give way by cutting back or kicking out, so that neither is hindered, there will be no penalty. 2. If they cross paths and collide or hinder one another, the judges will penalise the surfer who has been the aggressor at the point of contact. 3. If neither surfer gives way, by cutting back or kicking out, and both share responsibility for the confrontation, then a double interference will be called. 3. THE RIGHT-OF-WAY CRITERIA The choice of right-of-way criteria for each of the above possible situations is the responsibility of the Head Judge or the senior available judge in that order. 4. SNAKING a. The surfer who is farthest inside at the initial point of takeoff and has established wave possession is entitled to that wave for the duration of their ride, even though another surfer may subsequently takeoff behind them. The judges will not penalise the surfer because they have right-of-way even though they are in front. b. If the second surfer has not hindered the original surfer with right-of-way, then the judges may choose not to penalise them and will score both surfers’ rides. c. If in the opinion of the judges, the second surfer has interfered with (snaked) the original surfer with right-of- way, by causing them to pull out or lose the wave, then interference may be called on the second surfer, even though they are behind the first when the penalty was called. d. A surfer may not takeoff on the other side of a fully broken wave peak to gain possession of the opposite wave face when a surfer has already established possession of the opposite wave face. An interference will be called if the majority of the judges feel that the surfer riding from behind the broken peak has hindered the scoring potential of the surfer who has already established possession/right-of-way in that direction. e. The above situations apply only to multiple surfer heats or one-on-one in non priority situations. www.surfingaustralia.com 37