2015 Rodeo Guide Apr. 2015 | Page 15

559-472-7182 15 2015 RODEO GUIDE RODEO MUTTON BUSTERS Our future COWBOYS and COWGIRLS hanging on ! Mutton Bustin’ is an event for children 5-7 that weigh 60lbs or lighter that’s become a real crowd favorite. Every child’s a winner, receiving high fives from the clowns and the applause of the crowd. The range of expertise doesn’t differ much from that of bull, bareback. Some quickly fall off, while others hang on for dearlife or eight seconds, whichever comes first. The mutton busters compete for the title Champion and winner receives a belt buckle from the Rodeo Association. April 23-26, 2015 is an opportunity for our next generation of cowboys and cowgirls to try for their best ride on a sheep. The mutton bustin’ champion for each performance receives a belt buckle from the Rodeo Association and a western hat from Sassano’s Mens Wear. BOB’S Mini STORAGE SPRING SPECIALS! UP TO 50% OFF!! Pay 1 month - Get 1 month FREE (up to 3 months free) 6’ x 8’ = Only $16/month* 6’ x 10’ = Only $19/month* Need a House Cleaner? Residential & Offices Offering a variety of services including: -Spring Cleaning -Office Cleaning -House Cleaning Services Flexible to accommodate your cleaning needs! -Once or Twice a Week -Once a Month 20 Years Experience Licensed & Dependable (559)226-0993 Residential & Commercial FREE MOVE-IN TRUCK! Window Cleaning 5280 N. Barcus Fresno, CA 93722 559-455-3634 10’ x 12’ = Only $31.50/month* 8’ x 24’ = Only $40.50/month* (559) 275-4000 Ken Da vis Serving the Fresno/Clovis area since 1984 Ask about our other services! [email protected] CrystalClearFresno.com