Major funders: Government of Yukon Department of Tourism and
Culture and Department of Education, Canada Council for the Arts,
Canadian Heritage, Yukon Film and Sound Commission
KIAC gratefully acknowledges the support of our sponsors and partners:
Air North, Arctic Star Printing, Aurora Inn, A Bigger Picture,
the Bacchus Group Inc., BDO, Bombay Peggy’s, Bonanza Market, the
Bunkhouse, City of Dawson, Cheechako’s Bake Shop, Conservation
Klondike, Dawson City Community Library, Dawson City Community
Gardens, Dawson City Music Festival, Dänojà Zho Cultural Centre,
Dawson City General Store, Downtown Hotel, Driving Force, the
Drunken Goat, Eldorado Hotel, Fortymile Gold, Glazer’s Canada,
Gold Rush Campground, Husky Bus, Jazz Yukon, Klondike Kate’s,
Klondike Nugget and Ivory, Klondike Rush, Klondike Sun, Klondike
Visitor’s Association, Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival, Map It Out,
Maximilian’s Gold Rush Emporium, Midnight Sun Coffee Roasters,
Northern Superior Mechancial, Northern Vision Development, Outside
the Cube, Parks Canada, Raw TV, Robert Service School, Tourism
Industry Association Yukon, Triple J Hotel, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Trans
North Helicopters, Vino Allegro Wine Imports Inc., Westmark Inn, What’s
Up Yukon, Whitehorse Concerts, Yukon Brewing, Yukon College, Yukon
Film Society, Yukon News, Yukon School of Visual Arts, Zhur Gallery
Annual Report
Writing and Editing by Karen DuBois and Dan Dowhal
Design and Production by Dan Sokolowski
PO Box 8000
902-2nd Avenue
Dawson City, Yukon Y0B 1G0