2015 Expressions on a Sustainable UMD: The Power to Change May 2015 | Page 26
Beyond these essays and the sustainability pledge, there is an immense amount of effort being put forth
across campus by students and faculty alike to promote climate action in differing ways. Each of the following
groups below help to raise awareness, get students active, and ultimately reduce our University’s carbon
footprint. Through the work of these organizations and departments UMD can achieve carbon neutral power
by 2025, but they cannot do it alone they need the leadership and commitment from the University as a
American Indian Student Union
Raises awareness of American Indian
cultures and of affairs impacting American
Indian students and the community,
including environmental issues.
Council on the Environment
Advises the University of Maryland on a
variety of activities as related to the
regional and global environment.
Coop Housing University of Maryland
Provides quality, affordable, autonomous and
communitycentered housing through a
nonforprofit, cooperative and democratic
decision making structure.
Engineers Without Borders
A student chapter of a national nonprofit
organization (EWBUSA) that partners with
developing communities to improve their quality
of life through the implementation of
environmentally sustainable, equitable, and
economical engineering projects.
Environmental Finance Center
One of ten such Universitybased centers
from across America, The Environmental
Finance Center provides the University of
Maryland community with the knowledge
and resources to help maintain
environmental health and quality of life.
Green Dining
Sustainability programs run by UMD’s
dining services. Includes