A blessing of the birds—and of the families
geon, but providing the surgical care and being a part of
First-grader Holly Slavin stopped reading, something she
Holly’s medical team was truly a rewarding experience,” says
normally loved. It aroused no real concern, as her family
Hayek. “These conditions are life changing for Holly, her
was on Christmas vacation with lots of other distractions.
family, and all medical folks that played a role in her life.”
Only later did Holly’s mother put together the hints that
The Slavin family had an array of caring people in their
something was wrong with her daughter’s eye.
A few days went by, and mom noticed redness and swelling, lives to help themin dealing with their situation as well as
resources to make frequent, fun
then a definite protruding of
outings with Holly while she
Holly’s eye. This was serious.
was undergoing her treatments.
She was taken to the ER, and
This is not the case for many
the physician on call thought
families. Many are stretched
Holly might have had trauma.
financially and simply lack the
But that was not the case.
resources to provide needed
When she called Holly’s pedowntime for their children.
diatrician, mom Janice Slavin
With a strong commitment to
was told to take Holly straight
help others, the Slavins sought
to Children’s Healthcare of
to help those families whose
Atlanta at Egleston. There, the
children must also undergo
team biopsied tissue, found a
radiation treatments. They
malignancy, and started cheformed a foundation to raise
motherapy right away.
funds for these special families.
Oculoplastics specialist
“We can toss my hair outside. The birds will feel
Aptly named Radiation
and orbital tumor surgeon
Vacation, it provides insider
Brent Hayek was wonderful,
blessed to find my hair and use it to make a soft
information for parents, tickets
says Slavin. “He sat knee to
nest for their babies.” - Holly Slavin, two-time
to special outings, and a special
knee with our family and
cancer survivor.
treasure box at Emory’s Wintold us quietly and slowly
ship Cancer Institute. On the
about Holly’s diagnosis,
day of each child’s last treatment, he or she gets to ring a special
embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma or rhabdo, a cancer of the
connective tissue and muscles, such as those of the head and bell lovingly placed at Winship, courtesy of Radiation Vacation.
As mom Janice says, we were becoming aware of these
neck.” It is rare—with only 350 cases each year in the U.S.—
needs as Holly went through treatments. Holly’s comment
mostly in children ages 1 to 5.
about losing her hair spurred the first fundraiser, “The
“He was so caring and informative, it really helped us durBlessing of the Birds.” When mom became sad about Holly’s
ing a very frightening situation,” says Slavin of Hayek. And,
hair loss, Holly quickly replied, “Oh, we can give my hair to
over time, he remained a calming presence in this family’s life.
the birds for their nests!” Participants of “The Blessing of
In spring 2009, Holly began radiation, in addition to her
the Birds” fundraiser were area hair salons who donated $1
chemo. By June, treatments were complete, but in October,
per haircut to Radiation Vacation. Over time, several other
there was a new, larger tumor. By December, in order to save
events throughout Georgia have helped raise money.
Holly’s life, Hayek performed an exenteration, removing the
Meanwhile, Holly is now a seventh grader, an honor roll
eye and all the eye’s orbital contents, including the eyelids.
Such a procedure is daunting for any patient, much less a student who won the citizenship award at her school last
year. She had no idea when she made that heartfelt remark to
child. But when it was time for her bandages to be removed,
her mother about her hair loss that a wonderful blessing for
Holly wanted to do it herself. All by herself. At the tender
others would come out of it for years to come.
age of 6, she was brave beyond her years.
More information: facebook.com/radiationvacation.
“I do a lot of things as an oculoplastic and orbital sur-
2015 | Emory Eye 23