| The Research Matrix
Neuro-ophthalmologist Beau Bruce and Emory
medical student Phillip Garza use a portable
camera to evaluate a research subject at
Emory Hospital.
I see the research matrix concept
as a way of helping us focus our
department’s entire research portfolio toward a common vision. It’s
an opportunity to consider our
strengths, within a larger context of
what is a priority outside of Emory.
To me it’s an extraordinarily interesting concept–a bold way of dealing
with our conflicting pressures in
terms of research, and with the need
to synergize our strengths so we can
go a lot farther with our limited time
and money. —Beau Bruce, MD
8 Emory Eye | 2015
Ocular oncologist Hans Grossniklaus with cancer
patient Marvin Croft, who had a successful
outcome with an innovative treatment of
interferon injections and eye drops.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP)
patient Ken Rietz undergoes
testing with tech Tammy
Pruiett. Rietz received a
retinal implant in a compassionate trial for those with RP.