Community Partner: Alternative Directions
Peer Mentor: Faith Owhonda
Site Supervisor: Michelle Kelly
What is Alternative Directions?
Alternative Directions is a Baltimore‐based nonprofit organization that helps men
and women in prison those leaving prison become independent, responsible
• Assisting in workshops within prisons discussing
services Alternative Directions provides as well as
other community resources
• Acting as a camp counselor at the summer camp
• Putting case and inmate demographic information into
Alternative Direction’s database
• Gathering resources to send to inmates as well as
checking Maryland’s case search for most recent
information on client’s cases
As a Peer mentor in my 2nd year with CIIP, I had certain
expectations and hopes for this summer. I wanted to do more at
my site, make a greater impact, explore more of Baltimore and
basically top anything that was done the previous year. Those
goals were somewhat unrealistic but I am happy that working at
Alternative Directions has been a great learning experience. I
discovered what I desire from a work environment and the type
of job I want for the future. While working at my site’s summer
camp I realized that being a teacher is