Teens Tackle Homelessness
More than 25 students from public and private area high schools meet regularly to
organize an annual conference on homelessness for high school students as well as go
on Bridges Runs and lead activities for children in Newark shelters.
Founder’s Award
The Founders’ Award is given each year to high school juniors or seniors who have faithfully engaged to support the work of
Bridges and who have proved to be a friend to the homeless.
This year’s recipients:
Lorenzo Beer, Oratory Prep
Caroline Deumling, Corpus Christi Church of Chatham
Samantha Gargiulo, First Congregational Church
of Westfield
Paul Malatesta, Stanley Congregational Church
of Chatham
Malcolm Mead, Delbarton School
Connie Pullan, Summit High School
Carmen Ruiz, Oak Knoll School
Anthony Smith, Oratory Prep
Steven Zoughy, Cranford High School
Teen Conference
Almost 100 students participated in this year’s Teens Tackle Homelessness Conference. The keynote speaker was
“Hollywood” Anderson Footman, a formerly homeless singer/songwriter who competed on American Idol. Hollywood shared
his personal story; offered advice based on his experiences, and entertained the group with his original music. In addition,
the teens on the steering committee ran a series of interactive games that illustrated the hardships faced by people living in
poverty. Kent Place School once again generously hosted the event.