2015-2016-All Editions of the Safety Spotlight 2015-2016-All Safety Spotlight Editions | Page 11

Fire Education Renni Burt rburt @ ci . southlake . tx . us 817-748-8349

Safety Spotlight Severe Weather Awareness April 2016

Weather disasters such as floods and tornados affect thousands of people every year . You should know what your risks are and prepare to protect yourself , your family and community .
Severe Thunderstorms
If thunderstorm and lightning are occurring in your area , you should :
�� Use your battery-operated NOAA Weather Radio for updates from local officials .
�� Avoid contact with corded phones and devices including those plugged into electric for recharging . Cordless and wireless phones not connected to wall outlets are OK to use .
�� Avoid contact with electrical equipment or cords . Unplug appliances and other electrical items such as computers and turn off air conditioners . Power surges from lightning can cause serious damage .
�� Avoid contact with plumbing . Do not wash your hands , do not take a shower , do not wash dishes , and do not do laundry . Plumbing and bathroom fixtures can conduct electricity .
�� Stay away from windows and doors , and stay off porches .
�� Avoid natural lightning rods such as a tall , isolated tree in an open area .
�� Avoid hilltops , open fields , the beach or a boat on the water .
�� Take shelter in a sturdy building . Avoid isolated sheds or other small structures in open areas .
�� Avoid contact with anything metal — tractors , farm equipment , motorcycles , golf carts , golf clubs , and bicycles .
�� If you are driving , try to safely exit the roadway and park . Stay in the vehicle and turn on the emergency flashers until the heavy rain ends . Avoid touching metal or other surfaces that conduct electricity in and outside the vehicle .
Quick facts you should know about tornadoes :
�� Put on closed-toe shoes due to debris that might be left as a result of a tornado .
�� Do not open windows .
�� Go to a pre-designated area such as a safe room , basement , storm cellar , or the lowest building level . If there is no basement , go to the center of a small interior room on the lowest level ( closet , interior hallway ) away from corners , windows , doors , and outside walls . Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside . Get under a sturdy table and use your arms to protect your head and neck .
�� In a high-rise building , go to a small interior room or hallway on the lowest floor possible .
Information provided by www . ready . gov If your neighborhood or business would like a presentation from the Office of Emergency Management , please contact Ben Williamson or Renni Burt .
Visit us on Facebook at : “ SouthlakePublicSafety ”
Emergency Management Ben Williamson bwilliamson @ ci . southlake . tx . us 817-748-8624