No Monthly Fee
Remote Thermostat Control
The Sensaphone 400 is the easiest and
The Sensaphone 400 is the best way to
Use a dual setback thermostat in
most cost effective product in we offer. And
monitor a vacation home with no monthly
conjunction with the 400’s output relay to
it offers the convenience of voice telephone
fee. Monitoring everything from climate
control the temperature between two
calls for alarms and programming.
conditions to security and more.
set points.
Features & Specifications
Communication Method
Number of Inputs
Input Types
Temperature Sensing Range
Output Relay
Remote Access
Local Access
Popular Applications
Phone line
Contact, 2.8K
-20° to 150°F | -30° to 65°C
1 Low voltage NO/NC relay output
Manual or automatic alarm switching
Call in to check status and make programming changes
Microphone for listen in status
Know that the temperature, humidity, or other
conditions in your home are in check while
you’re away, or use the Sensaphone 400 to raise
the temperature before you get there.
Keypad and speaker for local programming
Easy voice prompted programming
Keypad Lock
Recent alarm history playback
Alarm Notification
Power Supply
4 or 8 custom voice phone calls
Plug in power supply also monitors for power failures
Internal battery backup
Cold Storage
Don’t find out that your freezer has stopped
2.1 x 7.8 x 8.8” | 53 x 198 x 223mm
2lbs | .9kg
1 Year
running until the next morning. The Sensaphone
400 will call as soon as the temperature reaches
a temperature you set.
Sensaphone Monitoring Systems
Convenience & Simplicity