2014 Regina Business Directory 2014 Regina Business Directory | Page 16

RESTAURANTS CONT’D Midtown Family Restaurant 2 319-351-9323 Bruce Ball 1069 Hwy 1 West, Iowa City, IA 52246 [email protected] www.midtownfamily.com SEEDS Big Country Seeds Eastern Iowa’s leader for ALL your ag and turf seed! 319-545-4500 Chad Williams 1050 S Greenfield Dr, Tiffin, IA 52340 [email protected] www.bigcountryseeds.com Pagliai’s Pizza 319-351-5073 SPORTING GOODS 302 E Bloomington St, Iowa City, IA 52245 www.pagliaisic.com Texas Roadhouse Call Ahead Seating Available! 319-354-3489 2520 Corridor Way, Coralville, IA 52241 www.texasroadhouse.com RETAIL Play It Again Sports Buyer and Seller of New and Used Sports Equipment 5% discount when mentioning this ad 319-354-4777 Chris Suchomel 1705 1st Ave, Iowa City, IA 52240 [email protected] www.playitagainsports.com Theisen’s SPORTS MARKETING Home, Farm, Auto 319-545-2277 Jacob Johnson 100 Westcor Dr, Coralville, IA 52241 www.theisens.com Bravo Sports Marketing 319-626-8286 Dave Gallagher 25575 Cameron Way, North Liberty, IA 52317 www.bravosportsmarketing.com World of Bikes Serving Cyclists Since 1974 319-351-8337 Ryan Baker 723 S. Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA 52240 [email protected] www.worldofbikes.com TELECOMMUNICATIONS Lucas Communication Inc. 563-264-0000 Scott Lucas 1218 Park Ave, Muscatine, IA 52761 13