2014 OCSA Racebook Proof October 2013 | Page 18

Small Yacht Sailing Club of Oregon SYSCO PO Box 5502 l Portland, OR 97228 www.syscosailing.org COMMODORE: Frank Colistro [email protected] VICE COMMODORE & RACE CAPTAIN: Warren Dalby [email protected] REAR COMMODORE: Michael Nance [email protected] TREASURER: Tod Bassham [email protected] SECRETARY: Ryan Rodgers [email protected] More than 100 sailors on the Columbia River are active members of SYSCO. Founded in 1978, the Small Yacht Sailing Club of Oregon (SYSCO) has offered sailors an opportunity for racing, cruising and recreating at modest cost. The Club currently represents Oregon’s largest sailboat racing and cruising fleet. Its membership is comprised of several level fleets, one-design classes and cruising boats from 19’ and up. Membership dues are low and fund a full year of recreational cruises, an active racing program and monthly newsletters. SYSCO promotes sailboat racing as a means to foster the development of boat handling skills and confidence. Racing provides sailors a learning experience to improve the performance and safety of their boats. Racing also provides excellent instruction in right-of-way rules, crew teamwork and sportsmanship. Families are encouraged to participate as a team. SYSCO sponsored races typically consist of level fleet and one-design competition without handicap. The Clu b additionally sponsors a SYSCO Solstice Regatta in which PHRF handicapped boats are invited to participate, and the Columbia Crossing Cup Regatta which is a benefit for the Columbia Riverkeepers. In addition to its new SYSCO Solstice Regatta, two Evening Series races and Opening Day Regatta, SYSCO hosts a Race and Cruise to St. Helens. The Club’s cruising events include a weeklong trip to Astoria in late July and excursions on Memorial, Independence and Labor Day weekends. Race trophies and special awards are presented at the year-end awards celebration. SYSCO has no initiation fees, nor do members pay fees for Club sponsored races. Members enjoy the unique camaraderie achieved from active, safe, fun and competitive boat racing. For membership information, please visit syscosailing.org. JOIN US FOR THE SYSCO SOCIAL AND MEMBERSHIP DRIVE ON FEBRUARY 16, AT ROSE CITY YACHT CLUB 18