photo courtesy of ABMP
President's Message 3
Speakers 4-5
Earth 6
Spirit 7-9
Air 10
NEPA Holistic Chamber of Commerce Directory 12-13
More Information-Holistic Chamber of Commerce
There are multiple paths you can take to enjoy the Expo
1. Short on time?
You can come to just check out the vendors
2. Want to learn a little something and still see what the vendors offer?
You can come and listen to some of the speakers and spend time with the vendors
3. Want to have a full day's learning experience?
- Join all of the speakers from the beginning of the day to the end of the day
- In between the speakers spend time with each of the vendors learning what they have to offer you.
Each option will provide you with information to assist you in having a happier and healthier life.
Which Path Will You Take?