---- GOALS ----
2014 IMPACT80 Summit --- Feb 11th, 2014
[email protected] www.carenovatemag.com
Serve as a platform for open conversations on
health, health literacy, medication management & safety,
among network of caregivers, patients and experts who are equipped with expereince, tips and information.
Build greater awareness of and support for
caregivers, patient engagement and connect with
other caregivers to learn and share expereince.
Empower caregivers with tools and tips on how
to identify ways to self care and recharge mentally.
IMPACT80 Summit will take place vitually.
Registered audience will be able to attend via their
smartphone, computer, ipad.
Free. Virtual. Online. Streaming. Interactive.
Tweet live and share via Facebook.
Network and make connections.
---- SPEAKERS ----
Speakers are nationally and internationally recognized women's experts, health and wellness experts, women's pharma & healthcare marketing experts. With all the changes in health care systems, this is the year of patient empowerment & engagement. Patient and Caregivers must actively partake in their own health care decisions and act on those decisions.