2014 Exhibitor Prospectus January 2014 volume 1 | Page 17
August 6-8, 2014 | Miami Beach Convention Center
FIME Educational Conference
FIME’s Educational Conference is a Three-Day
Seven-Track seminar forum for medical professionals,
which coincides with the FIME International Medical
Exposition. These diverse tracks represent the most
comprehensive educational opportunity for the
medical professional available this year.
2014 Exhibitor Prospectus | www.fimeshow.com
Now in its 24th year, the FIME Medical Trade Fair &
Congress is the largest international medical event
held in the U.S. annually. More than ten thousand
industry professionals visit the five hundred thousand
square feet Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami
Florida to see the largest exhibit floor and view the
latest in medical equipment, medical technology,
medical services, medical products and supplies.