2014 Cunninghams Spring Selling Tips Spring 2014 | Page 2

Cunninghams Spring Selling Tips Cunninghams Spring Selling Tips Presentation of your property is a critical factor in achieving the highest possible price Main turn offs for buyers Rubbish - inside and out, despite how neatly it may be stacked Clutter or oversized furniture Animal odours Even the most astute investor will be encouraged by a well presented property. People are emotional beings and will be stimulated by what they see, feel and hear. If they see neglect, they’ll imagine the worst. If they see a well presented property, they may even overlook minor disadvantages. You don’t need to renovate or invest a fortune, just simply make the most of what you already have. Dampness and darkness Cigarette or strong food odours Doors, windows or gates that stick Peeling paint Cracked glass Stained carpet Overgrown gardens and lawns