2014 Congressional Elections The Biblical Basis for Advocacy to End Hunger | Page 2
Nine Biblical Themes That Guide Our Mission
Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice, urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. Moved by God’s grace in Jesus Christ, we reach out to our neighbors, whether they live in the next house,
the next state, or the next continent.
We experience God’s grace and love through our faith in the saving power
of Jesus’ death and resurrection. “We know love by this, that he laid down his
life for us—and we ought to lay down our lives for one another” (1 John 3:16).
In the Gospels, Jesus was compassionate to all people, especially the
widow, the orphan, the stranger, the hungry, the poor, and the infirmed
—the most vulnerable in society. Jesus loved all people—rich and poor—and
actively cared for people in need. He urged his disciples to do the same.
As followers of Christ, we express and embody God’s reconciling love at
all times and in all places. Throughout the Scriptures, God speaks of our
purpose to rebuild, restore, and renew all that is broken (Isaiah 61). We are
called to work to end the brokenness of hunger and poverty in our communities, in our country, and in other countries.
Throughout the Scriptures, God calls people into community and sets
the expectation that leaders (whether they are kings, pharaohs, or governments) should care for
their people (Psalm 72:2).
Therefore, we also reflect
This brochure presents the broad themes from
God’s love by challenging
the Bible that guide the mission of Bread for the
individuals and instituWorld in working to end hunger. In addition to
tions given the power to
the Bible verses and passages cited here, there
change laws and strucare many other references to people who are
tures that keep people vulpoor and hungry in the Bible, and Jesus spoke
nerable. We work toward
many times about caring for other people. As you
a just world in which every
consider the actions you might take in advocating
person has an opportunity
for an end to hunger, you are invited to find
to thrive. We participate
inspiration or motivation in a favorite Bible story
in showing God’s love
or verse or to explore the Bible on your own. Use
and honor the dignity and
this brochure as a guide for finding your own
basis as a Christian for answering this call.
worth of our neighbors.