impact, as both teachers and artists.
Location: Denver 2nd – Blanca Peak
Practicing Partnership: Forging Strong Relationships with Classroom
Teachers and Organizations
Chair: Anne Meek Montgomery, Teaching Artist Group
Presenters: Sobha Kavanakudiyi, Michael Wiggins
Location: Denver 3rd – Mt. Columbia
Childsplay’s EYEPlay Program (Early Years Educators at Play) is a creative
drama-based, job embedded professional development program for
early childhood educators. In this program teachers work one-on-one with
teaching artists to strengthen literacy learning in their classroom through
drama integration. Childsplay Education staff will introduce the field at large
to EYEPlay by giving an overview of the program model, sharing research
methods and results, as well as facilitating an EYEPlay lesson. We will focus
on particular areas of interest to teaching artists and education staff, including
how to balance artistry and arts integration, how to plan and reflect with
classroom teachers, and how to teach novice classroom teachers to facilitate
Strong partnerships in arts-in-education residencies are key. The relationship
that teaching artists have with their cultural organization, the school
administration and classroom teacher can determine the success or failure
of a residency. This workshop will be a hands on experiential exploration of
potential first meetings that teaching artist might experience at the beginning
of a residency with their hiring cultural, school administration or classroom
teachers. Participants will be placed in role of teaching artist, administrator,
classroom teacher, or cultural head in these imagined scenarios. We will share
the scenarios as a whole group and brainstorm ideas (with the support and
guidance of the veteran teaching artist facilitators) and the participants will
organize a list of best practices that can be utilized in future partnerships.
What Does Quantitative Research ‘Prove’? The Effects of Drama-based
Pedagogy on PreK-16 Outcomes
Chair: Bridget Kiger Lee, The Ohio State University
Location: Denver 3rd – Mt. Wilson
In this accessible lecture, the presenter will give an overview of the findings
from a comprehensive meta-analysis of quantitative research of the effects
of drama-based pedagogy on student outcomes. Studies included in the
synthesis span more than 25 years. This session will help you make researchbased claims for the impact of drama-based pedagogies in the classroom.
CUNY-CAT’s “Reach Project” - Connecting Two Middle Schools Through
Chair: Helen Wheelock, Director, CUNY-Creative Arts Team
Presenters: Katherine Chua, CUNY-Creative Arts Team
Location: Lobby Level-Mt. Sopris A
Experience the “Reach Project,” a curriculum being implemented with two
groups of middle school students in the Bronx and Brooklyn. Drawing from
Noel Greig’s “Young People, New Theatre,” the project uses literacy infused
drama activities to inspire curiosity, communication, and collaboration.
Facilitator discuss the successes, challenges, and reapplication possibilities.
Finding Our Way: Journeys of Emerging Theatre Teachers
Chair: Joan Lazarus, The University of Texas at Austin
Presenters: Mary Schuttler, Gillian McNally and students - University of
Northern Colorado Amy Jensen, Julia Ashworth, and Lela Bayne. Kirsten
King, Laura Taylor, Carson Wright Roxanne Schroder-Arce, Martin Rodriguez,
Dominique Gonzalez, Brad Billaudeaux, Cody Edgar - The University of Texas
at Austin
Location: Denver 3rd – Mt. Oxford
This session captures future theatre teachers at different stages in their
development: their thoughts, feelings, practices, questions and how they
are hoping to grow as students/teachers/artists. Faculty members from three
different theatre teacher education programs will initiate a dialogue about
the journeys that undergraduate students travel in pursuit of theatre teacher
certification. Theatre education students from each university will share
examples of their teaching practice and reflect upon their emerging practice
as theatre teachers. Together we will consider the students’ work and their
questions and discuss the challenges and rewards of being a theatre teacher
and mentoring student teachers. We will consider elements of a theatre
education program that can support students’ successful emergence as
professional theatre educators.
Drama and Early Literacy: Childsplay’s EYEPlay Program
Chair: Korbi Adams, Childsplay
Presenters: Jenny Millinger, Childsplay; Michael Kelley, Arizona State University
Virtual Community: Connecting Young Artists Across 524 Miles and
Chair: Nicole Jost, Young Playwrights’ Theater (YPT)
Presenters: Brigitte Moore, YPT
Location: Atrium 2nd – Grays Peak A
In 2014, the Washington, DC-based theater education company Young
Playwrights’ Theater (YPT) teamed up with Detroit poetry organization
InsideOut Literary Arts Project and filmmakers Meridian Hill Pictures to realize
“The 524 Project.” “The 524 Project” brought together two classrooms of
high school students, one in DC and one in Detroit, for a cross-disciplinary
collaboration and culminating performance using 21st century technology.
Students were empowered to disrupt the dominant narratives surrounding
their cities and forge virtual connections across 524 miles. Join YPT’s Executive
Director Brigitte Moore and Artistic Director Nicole Jost as we discuss the
potential impact of facilitating collaborations among youth locally, nationally
and globally. We’ll share the process employed by YPT with “The 524 Project,”
including bright spots and pitfalls, before opening it up for an interactive
Getting Something for Nothing: Quality Design on a School Budget
Chair: Rebecca Scott Weiss, Peak to Peak Charter School
Location: Denver 3rd-Mt. Yale
This session will give participants the building blocks for excellent design, from
a well-stocked shop to proven (and simple) painting techniques! Anyone can
produce a beautiful show, in any space, with a few life saving tips and tricks.
Participants will walk away with a packet of resources to help them start their
“zero budget” designs. Each packet will include valuable desi