2014-2015 | Page 58

Natural Hair Colour Melanin is a special kind of protein that maintaninces the natural colour of the hair. It also has two different types of proteins for dark hair and fair hair. Dark hair protein is eumelanin and fair hair protein is phaeomelanin. The quantities of them and the ratios between decide the colour of the hair. As the hair is bleached, the bleach reacts with the melanin and oxidizes it. At that state melanin is still present but it canot show its own colour. Then as any othere colours are blocked out hair is seen in the natural colour of keratin which is a pale yellow. Also the bleach reacting with eumelanin more makes the colour even lighter and sometimes in different colours the hair shows up. HAIR DYE COULD BE USED TO TRACK DOWN CRIMINALS Hair is one of the most common types of physical evidence found at a crime scene. A well-known chemistry technique could help authorities to identify criminals based on their artificial hair color. Hairs left behind at a crime scene are related with DNA testing, but it requires too much time to get the result of test because comparison of appearance of the hair under the microscope is a long process. Gökçen Nilay NAKTİYOK 9-B References: http://www.exploratorium.edu/exploring/hair/ hair_3.html http://www.hair-science.com/_int/_en/topic/ topic_sousrub.aspx?tc=root-hair-science%5Eportraitof-an-unknown-element%5Esuperbchemistry&cur=superb-chemistry#THE-RAW- MATERIAL http://www.hair-science.com/_int/_en/topic/topic_ sousrub.aspx?tc=ROOT-HAIR-SCIENCE%5EINFINITE- TRANSFORMATIONS%5ECOLOR-FORE&cur=COLOR- FORE To overcome this obstacle, a new research published in Analytical Chemistry, which explains how to track down criminals by using hair dye. The technique uses surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to precisely measure how light from a laser bounces off a hair. Vibrations within the molecules on the hair’s surface change the energy of the reflected photons (photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation) and they are caught by a detector. If the sample has a dye on it (blood, drug etc.) the laser will reflect differently, and each dye creates a unique pattern. By the help of this technique, scientists are able to identify the brand of dye. When this technique starts to be used more in the future, DNA testing won’t be useful anymore. Authorities will be able to use a new and quick way to get detailed data from hairs which left behind at a crime scene. The new clue which will be gathered from this method could be used to track down criminals. (Shultz, 2015) Yusuf Can KABAY 9-A Bibliography: Shultz, D. (2015, February 19). Hair dye could be used to track down criminals. Retrieved February 18, 2015, from Sciencemag: http://news.sciencemag.org/ THE CLAPPER 2014 - 2015 58