2014-2015 | Page 27

RATIONALE FOR THE CHARACTER SKETCH-SHUKOV The specific scene chosen for the character Sketch is when Shukov is sent to the guardhouse by Tartar to wash the floor. As he washes the floor he remembers his good old days and Solzhenitsyn characterizes Shukov by using flashback. While Shukov is washing the floor he is humiliated and disgraced by some unknown guards. This scene is important in terms of characterization and depiction of the oppression in the camp. The events that take place in the guardhouse reflect the dehumanization process that the prisoners suffer. In order to transfer the same effect the character would have an expression of agony while he is acting. I would portray the character as middle-aged, skinny man whose hair and beard are at the same length. Moreover, his face, his hands and feet would be covered in dirt. The costume would be baggy, deformed and stitched but I would use relatively clean costumes for Shukov because he always takes great care of his personal belongings. As the character is performing he would keep the same expression of agony all the time but he would smile only once and look into the distance when he remembers his past. I would employ colorful lights when he thinks about his past and the use of white light would create a stark contrast between the character’s current situation and his past. ONE DAY IN THE LIFE OF IVAN DENISOVICH DIRECTOR’S BOOK Rationale for the Dining Scene “He didn’t hang around- no hope for any leftovers to scrape out of Shukov’s bowl. Shukov pulled his spoon out of his boot. His little baby. It had been with him his whole time in the North, he’d cast it with his own hands in sand out of aluminum wire, and it was embossed with the words, “Ust-Izhma 1944”. Then he removed his head from his clean-shaven head- however cold it might be, he could never bring himself to eat with his hat on- and stirred the cold stew, taking a quick look to see what kind of helping they’d given him.” (One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich, p.65) This scene vividly describes the atmosphere of the dining room and Shukov’s ritual of eating. This scene has been chosen to be transferred because this is one of the scenes that the readers can gain more insight into Shukov’s real identity. While most of the prisoners lick their bowls, spit on the ground and look for more food Shukov exhibits decent manners while he is eating. In order to reflect visual and auditory imageries that Solzhenitsyn uses in this scene I would use many actors on the stage eating, shouting, and fighting in the dark. However, I would use a spotlight to illuminate Shukov while he is eating. The spotlight would stress individuality of the main character and show that he is different from the other prisoners. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Onur Kağan COŞKUN 11-A Ahmet Hamdi KÜRKÇÜOĞLU 11-A THE CLAPPER 2014 - 2015 27