2013 PNASF Gala - 29th Anniversary - Souvenir Program October 2013 | Page 6

The Philippine Nurses Association of South Florida, Inc. (PNASF) The oldest and largest Filipino nurses association in Florida since 1984 EXECUTIVE BOARD 2012 to 2014 Josephine Villanueva PRESIDENT October 19, 2013 Liezl Dagum PRESIDENT ELECT Nena Forte VICE PRESIDENT Laarni Zulueta RECORDING SECRETARY Tessie Urbanovitch CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Violetta Lavilla Greetings and Congratulations to the Philippine Nurses Association of South Florida (PNASF) on your 29th Anniversary Celebration. TREASURER Franlie Bautista ASSISTANT TREASURER Uzzielyn Yu AUDITOR Gigi Moneda Tessie Garcia PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICERS BOARD MEMBERS: Elizabeth Calibag OVERALL COMMITTEE CO-CHAIR Dr. Daisy Ciocon BYLAWS/LEGISLATIVE/ETHICS Another year has passed. Now, we can look back on the accomplishments, achievements, services, and collaborative activities of the PNSAF as a professional nursing organization. We would not be here today celebrating another successful year if not for the persistence, and untiring efforts of Josephine Villanueva, PNASF President. The road to success has not been smooth and easy. The PNSAF continue to experience many challenges, and road blocks. I commend the President for choosing to move on and make a difference rather than make an excuse to stop. Dr. Pinky Chance EDUCATION/RESEARCH Tessie Urbanovitch MEMBERSHIP Violeta Lavilla WAYS AND MEANS/SCHOLARSHIP I also would like to thank the Officers, Advisers, Members of the PNASF, INAA and Friends, and of course the entire family of Josephine for your continued support. We cannot give up now. Soon, we shall overcome. Laarni Zulueta WEBSITE/PUBLICITY God Bless and More Power to All of You… Nena Forte CULTURAL/SPECIAL EVENTS Helen Kranzel AWARDS/RECOGNITION Ric Garcia, RN, BSN PNASF Advisory Board AMBASSADORS: Novemie Bautista Dr. Bing Wood Rebecca Yasona Beth Marull Margie Torres ACTIVE ADVISORY BOARD: Ric Garcia Dr. Daisy Ciocon Dr. Luz Porter Helen Kranzel Nena Forte Modesta Tenay Ana Javellana (+) Josephine Villanueva LEGAL ADVISOR: Dr. Linda Simunek 9661 NW 46th Lane, Doral, FL 33178 PNASF [email protected] MYPNASF.PNASF http://www.MYPNASF.COM PNASFinc