2013 PNASF Gala - 29th Anniversary - Souvenir Program October 2013 | Page 4

October 19, 2013 Dear PNASF Officers and Members: Warm greetings to all our guests! Sincerest congratulations to the officers and members of the Philippine Nurses Association of Florida, PNASF. I appreciate the opportunity to dialogue with each of you via this message. As we all know, one of the primary goals of PNASF is to promote the professional growth of each member. As an educator, I extend a hearty invitation to each of you to identify opportunities for professional growth in Miami and its environs. Whatever your age, employment setting, role, or, position, opportunities for lifelong learning abound. South Florida can boast about high quality nursing academic programs that lead to degrees in all levels-Associate, Baccalaureate, Master’s, Doctoral, and Post-Doctoral opportunities. Your membership in PNASF opens the door for mentors who are more than happy to serve as your mentor and guide in navigating any nursing academic program. Count me on top of the list of willing mentors. Please feel free to contact me at 954-830-2516 (cell), 954262-8660, or by e-mail at [email protected]. I will be happy to assist you in completing an online application, in providing feedback on a written assignment or project, and, in identifying a doctoral dissertation problem statement and research questions. I will also be happy to coach you on how to get published in a professional journal or in a textbook. Additionally, I can provide you with guidance on how to prepare a professional presentation for local, regional, national or international conferences. In addition to or in lieu of formal academic degrees, you can enhance your professional growth by: (1) serving on a patient care committee, (2) conducting a continuing education program or in-service training session, (3) running for office in a professional organization such as the Florida Nurses Association (FNA), as well as PNASF, (4) reading professional journals, and, (5) developing a mentoring relationship with someone at work who you wish to emulate. No one is too young or too old to avail of opportunities for ongoing professional growth. As you enjoy tonight’s festivities and widen your circle of friends, take time to identify a mentor. Better yet, volunteer to be a mentor. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Linda Agustin Simunek, RN, PhD, JD Executive Director and Adjunct Professor Fischlet PPOHA Grant for Doctoral Success Nova Southeastern University