2013 PNASF Gala - 29th Anniversary - Souvenir Program October 2013 | Page 24
LIC: HHA299992173 / DON: Tina Arcebido, ARNP
8250 NW 27 Street, Suite 302, Doral, Florida 33122
Phone: 305-592-3292 / Fax: 305-592-3268
Email: [email protected]
NATION’S BEST CARE HOME HEALTH does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability or age in admission,
treatment or participation in the programs, services, activities or in employment. For further information, contact: Roslyn Diggs Setion 504 Coordinator
at 305-592-3292. TTY RELAY 800-955-8771.