“Happy and Healthy”
Taking Care of Yourself -
By: Maryann Raiola, CHHC, AADP, Certified Holistic Health Coach
Taking care of yourself, your body and your health is the first step in loving yourself. Sometimes we think of loving
ourselves as a self centered or egotistical act. Many of us are primary care takers to our children, our aging parents, and
our pets. We should also look at where we spend so many precious hours, were we work. On the work front many people
are in service oriented professions, adding another area in life where they are giving. When you step back you can see
that there needs to be a balance in giving as well as receiving. If you do not nourish yourself, your body, your spirit you
cannot be of service to anyone else.
When I look at lifestyle I think are we sleeping enough? Is there good quality sleep or are our thoughts polluted by
concerns and worries from the day? Most of us have the most damaging type of stress which is long term chronic stress.
This is stress that we feel everyday such as concerns for finances, our spouses/partners, children and so on. This stress is
not immediate and fleeting such as seeing a deer cross in front of our car, this is stress that wears on our body and mind
every day. It wears on our adrenal glands, central nervous system and our patience, psyche and spirit. We need to take a
time out and nurture ourselves, love ourselves and feel no guilt doing it. Personally I find this hard to do, as I sit here I
ask myself why is this such a difficult task? I think for most of us it is because we were trained as young people that
others come first and that it is egotistical to think of our own needs. However, life has taught me that I cannot be a
caregiver without nourishing myself. So I encourage everyone reading this to take an afternoon off and maybe take
yourself to the movies and leave your worries at the door. Perhaps schedule yourself for that long overdue massage or 30
minutes of meditation or an evening in bed with a movie and a cup of tea. No vitamin, no supplement, no health
counselor, no prescription drug can give you self care. You do matter and the world will not fall off its axis if you are not
there to mop the floors. I write this for myself as much as for everyone reading this, my friends who know me are
laughing as they read this.
There are foods and herbs that can help nourish and bring restoration to your adrenal glands when they are
overwhelmed. Foods that are rich in potassium and have vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium are important in
stress regulation. Try eating almonds, avocados. swiss chard, kale, oranges, kidney beans, squash and berries because
they are rich in the nutrients and vitamins we lack because of stress. It is always a good idea to check with your physician
if you are making dietary changes especially if you are taking prescription medicines. When your body has been exposed
to long term chronic stress herbs are always there to assist us Holy Basil also known as Tulsi helps to maintain balance to
body’s stressed out system. Tulsi also helps to regulate inflammation and blood sugar that can be thrown out of balance
due to stress. Licorice Root has been used for centuries to boost cortisol levels and regulate the liver. Cat’s Claw is an
herb from South America that can reduce inflammation in our body which is a major indication of stress within our body.
These herbs are available in various forms such as teas, tinctures and supplements.
Whatever you do take time out for yourself and enjoy every minute of it!
New Members
4 New Members 06-01 to 18/2013
Angels of Lightwork—Jude Goode
Wildtree -Dennis Reppert
Barbara Case
Natural Awakenings—Reid Boyer
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