The Natural Feed Additive
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Page C15
— Continued on next page
Specializing in Equine Nutritional Products
Phone: 260-463-4901 •
by Dan Byler
It has been a blast putting together our first ever
Michiana Equine Stud magazine! We first came up with
the idea of doing a stand-alone free Stud publication
almost two years ago.
There were two main reasons for doing this
publication. The first was to allow stud owners a way
of letting potential customers get a better look at their
horses. The second was to see if we could keep the
main People’s Exchange a little smaller during the time
of the year when it gets the largest.
By offering full color ads on high quality paper, stud
owners could better show the quality of their horses
without customers having to drive out to see their
horse ‘in person.’ One thing that became apparent
as we worked through this issue is that we need to do
a better job of educating folks on what kind of photos
are going to produce the best results.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I personally rank the importance of professional photography at about a 26!
Our graphic artists have produced some ads that I am
amazed at when I look back at the original materials
they had to work with. This first time through we did
everything we could to make this look as good as possible. In the future, I have realized, we will have to charge
extra for some of the things we did for free this time.
Our graphic artists spent a lot of time cutting out
horses from backgrounds, photoshopping out parts of
backgrounds that our customers didn’t want, removed
ropes and halters (even when we had no way of knowing exactly how far that white stripe actually goes up
on the face since there was white below the strap, but
not above); and tweaked and fiddled with filters doing
whatever they could to try to bring out the true horse
in each of those photos.
I am waiting with great anticipation to get one of
these printed copies in my hand after all the hard work
in putting it together.
The second reason for having this magazine was
to try to keep the main People’s Exchange a little smaller
in the spring … I guess we’ll just have to wait and see
if that part worked!
One of the extra challenges we have been working
through on this publication is trying to figure out how
we make sure all our readers know that they should
pick up a copy of the Michiana Equine Studs publication
along with The People’s Exchange on February 21st and
again on April 4th. Especially the second time, since
the publication will look exactly the same the second
time around … except hopefully with more pages
(since that would mean we were successful in selling
more advertising for the second printing).
Another challenge was trying to figure out how to
Yowee … What a Ride!