smell that emanated from the surrounding marshes. They drove down Bohicket Road in a blinding
rainstorm arriving in the dark, lost and clueless. In Suzanne’s words they awoke the next morning to
“discover we had found paradise” and within days had begun looking for a place to purchase. They owned
a Turtle Cove villa until 1999 when they sold their house in northern Virginia and purchased their home on
Spartina Court.
Suzanne’s days on Kiawah have been full and busy. She works one day a week in the gift shop
at Middleton Place and volunteers at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore on Maybank Highway. And, of
course, she has found the time and energy to produce six amazing issues of Naturally Kiawah plus our
first ever-annual report and a special guest edition of the magazine. She brought to the magazine not only
unparalleled writing and editing skills but also an eye for all that is inspiring and bea