2013 Hampton University Honors College A Plus Summer Program 1 | Page 20

Arianna Graham
Grandpa , I only saw him on occasional visits . But I always recall the smell of his room , Cough drops and smoke .
He liked to be alone , And only leave his room when it was dinnertime . But he would still enjoy company .

Arianna Graham

Michael and I would go into his room We would play cards , Games including war and poker . He would eat cough drops Like they were candy .
My next visit He would forget who I am , And forget my name . All the memories vanished .
I would attempt to remind him But nothing worked He had Alzheimer ’ s .
His memory would get worse daily But he would still play solitaire and eat cough drops . Because that is what he loved .
After he passed , I realized throughout his sickness
He still did what he loved .