Celebrating the Creativity of our Youth
Gala Program
Cocktail Hour …….. Music by James Lacy, Vocalist/Guitarist
Donna Winfield, Vocalist * Tim Dorsey, Musician
Introduction of MC …………………Mr. James Lacy
Greetings & Welcome…….Ms. Madona Cole-Lacy
Invocation & Blessing of Food …. Mr. Rassan Hoskins
Youth Creative Expression
-Miss Jasmine Gobourne & Miss Briana Gobourne - Dance
Youth Creative Expression
- Miss Jasmine Gobourne & Miss Briana Gobourne - Dance
Celebration of Honorees
- Rev. Patrick Daymond
- Ms. Dale Flashner
Introduced by
Dr. Antoinia Daymond
Dr. Brian Rothschild
Youth Creative Expression - Master Michael Desir - Poetry
Celebration of Honorees
- Mr. Donald Ryan (Don Ryan)
- The Late Dr. Gary Rachlin
represented by Dr. Bruce Zitkus
Celebration of Honorees
- Ms. Margarita Grasing
- Ms. Madeline Quintyne
Mr. Mel Jackson
Ms. Madona Cole-Lacy
Ms. Cynthia Costanzo Metzger
Lt. Colonel Jacqueline Gordon
Honorees Escorts - Miss Sage Fortune * Miss Kira Genovese *
Ms. Summer Lacy * Ms. Florence Bell * Ms. Beatrice Goodman in their
creative expressions of Madona Cole Originals Wearable Art.
Silent Auction Results
* Raffle Drawing