2013 Gala Commemorative Journal | Page 5

Arts * Fashion * Culture as solutions for 21st Century Life Challenges and Pitfalls A Message from Madona Cole-Lacy, Founder/CEO Cole- “ I believe arts education in music, theater, dance, and the visual arts is one of the most creative ways we have to find the gold that is buried just beneath the surface. They (children) have an enthusiasm for life, a spark of creativity and vivid imaginations that need training–training that prepares them to become confident young men and women.” – Richard W. Riley, Former US Secretary of Education. “Luckily for us, the road to empowerment is paved with the gift of enlightenment and an abundance of the opportunity for education, if only we can make ourselves open to the process". Madona Cole-Lacy, MA Ed., This commemorative journal gives me an opportunity to underscore the message on the Gala 2013 program. Your Time For Creative Empowerment, Inc. is the manifestation of a thought process that revealed how I could combine my passion for offering art-based programs and activities that address personal development, creative solutions and cultural enrichment; with my desire to make a positive impact on the lives of children, adolescents and families. By initiating and facilitating the creative process toward self-empowerment, participants are can come up with solutions of their own to life’s challenges and pitfalls. Our use of the arts fashion and culture, which everyone relates to on some level, helps us connect with our participants on a meaningful level. That, in turn, makes it a natural vehicle for them to identify, develop, and implement their own long-lasting solutions. Aside from my selfish passion for the creative process, I must share with you another factor that motivates me. My intolerance to the damaging effects of the alarming increase in complicated and destructive issues that our youth, parents and community members are dealing with today. This increase suggests to me that eventually no one will be exempt from what I believe is an unfortunate trend. It is for this reason that we formulate awareness-raising programs and activities. We raise awareness about the need for a better understanding of modern information technology - highlighting its virtues when used appropriately, and its down side when abused or misused. We do this with full appreciation for the information technology demands that today’s lifestyles bring with home and community! In addition, I want to voice a special thanks to our youth: Michael Desir, Briana and Jasmine Gobourne for their phenomenal creative empowerment presentations; Sage Fortune, Symone Higgins and Kira Genovese for so gracefully escorting the honorees of the evening, in their creative expressions of Madona Cole Originals Wearable Art. I thank our honorees, volunteers and guests for their support, and for the valuable feed