The 2012-13 school year was a great success thanks
to many partners, supporters and volunteers.
Estuary Partnership educators engaged over 3,600
students in classroom lessons, service learning
projects and on-river field trips. Building off of
concepts learned in the classroom, students explored
local natural areas and engaged in hands-on ac vi es
that improved their local environment. Estuary
Partnership educators worked with students from
across our service area, from Corbe , Oregon in the
Columbia River Gorge, to Ilwaco, Washington near
the Pacific Ocean, leading a regional effort to connect
youth to the lower Columbia River in meaningful ways.
2012-13 Program Highlights
Rainwater from the roof of Southeast Portland school will soak into
a new swale instead of draining to the city sewer, helping to support
cleaner rivers.
This year the Estuary Partnership completed its most recent schoolyard
stormwater project at Hosford Middle School, where in addi on to swale
construc on, the project included educa on in the classroom and in the
field, where 75 students from three classrooms worked to plant hardy na ve
plants adapted to periodic flooding and drought. The Estuary Partnership
will con nue to work with students over the next several years to maintain
the swale. Hosford teachers will also use the swale for science instruc on
and experiments. Project partners include Hosford Middle School and
Portland Public Schools. Supporters of the project include City of Portland
Bureau of Environmental Services, East Multnomah Soil and Water
Conserva on District and New Seasons Market.