ETA Annual Report
The England Touch Association has formalised their
progression for coaches at club, regional and national
level, which will include the National and Challenge
Touch Series’ (NTS CTS), National and International
competitions. The progressive outlook will hopefully
achieve the following outcomes:
1. The presence of coaches throughout all levels of
competitive Touch within the ETA.
2. The development of coaches throughout all levels
of competitive Touch within the ETA.
3. Improve the standard of our coaches throughout
all levels of competitive Touch within the ETA.
4. Increase the number of ‘practising’ coaches within
of levels of competitive Touch within the ETA.
5. Provide a strategic structure to the developmental
expectations of all coaches within the ETA.
These levels of coaching progression will provide to
all current and prospective coaches the expectations
the ETA have of them, as well as enabling us to grow
and develop our sport throughout all levels.
The standard of play is increasing, and continues to
increase with each tournament. However, whilst the
amount of coaches is positive, the presence and
standard of coaching needs to start progressing.
The ETA has committed itself for 2014 and beyond to
increase the number of community level, level one
and level two coaching courses to be conducted
throughout the year. And also to provide a number of
opportunities for qualified coaches to be ‘up-skilled’ in
their knowledge and approach.
This season was crucial i