2013-2014 SouthWinds Academy Catalog 1 | Page 6

7th Grade Course Curriculum

Language Arts:

7th Grade English (2 semesters)

This course features lessons directing students to explore written communication through newspapers, magazines, and advertising media. Using the Internet to locate primary sources promotes research and technology skills. Seventh graders enrolled in this dynamic, web-based course will also explore effective sentence structure and paragraph construction, as well as speech writing and delivery.

English Foundations I (2 semesters)

English Foundations I supports adolescent literacy development at the critical stage between decoding and making meaning from text. Through intensive reading and writing skills instruction, deep practice sets, consistent formative feedback, graduated reading levels, and helpful strategy tips, the course leads students to improved comprehension and text handling.


7th Grade Math (2 semesters)

This comprehensive, year-long course provides an overview of major math and problem-solving concepts, number sense, and proportional reasoning. It helps middle school learners form a solid foundation for more complex high school courses. Students study the types and uses of sets, number patterns and estimation, multiplication and division, weights and measures, the use of calculators, fractions and decimals, geometric measurement and formulas, statistics, and data analysis.

Math Foundations I (2 semesters)

Math Foundations I offers a structured remediation solution based on the NCTM Curricular Focal Points and is designed to expedite student progress. The course is appropriate for use as remediation for students in grades 6 to 12. When used in combination, Math Foundations I and Math Foundations II (covering grades 6 to 8) effectively remediate computational skills and conceptual understanding needed to undertake high school–level math courses with confidence.