2013-2014 SouthWinds Academy Catalog 1 | Page 46

Crop Science

SWNa (1 semester, .5 credit, prerequisite none)

Crop Science explores herbicides, chemical, fertilizers (including manure), integrated pest management, pesticide use and safety, and basic grazing management practices. This course will provide students with the necessary tools and skills to further their education in plant, range and crop sciences and begin to explore the many career opportunities in the field of crop and plant sciences.

Greenhouse Technologies

SWNa (1 semester, .5 credit, prerequisite none)

Greenhouse Technology explores building and maintaining a greenhouse. The course discusses greenhouse plant nutrient management, greenhouse irrigation, greenhouse weeds and pest management and disease problems. A section will discuss utilizing hydroponics in the greenhouse. Upon completion of this course, students will have an excellent understanding of how greenhouses operate both in a personal or retail situation, and have the knowledge and skills to complete courses in horticulture and floriculture. Students will have the skills to consider a personal greenhouse or the many career opportunities in the greenhouse, horticulture and floriculture industries.

Animal Science I

SWNa (1 semester, .5 credit, prerequisite none)

Animal Science I is an introductory course in animal husbandry. This course will give the students general animal science skills. This course will provide the students with the basic education to successfully complete advanced animal science courses. It will discuss basic animal physiology, digestion, reproduction and genetics. It is highly recommended that Animal Science I be taken prior to the Veterinary Science, Equine Science and advanced Animal Science courses. Upon completion of this course, students will have excellent basic animal science skills that will lead to successful completion of upper level animal science courses.

Equine Science I

SWNa (1 semester, .5 credit, prerequisite none)

Equine Science I explores the basic concepts regarding horses, donkeys and mules. The course discusses equine physiology, genetics, reproduction, digestion and basic equine health.