Science electives
SWeD (1 semester, .50 credit, prerequisite none)
Why do stars twinkle? Is it possible to fall into a black hole? Will the sun ever stop shining? Since the first glimpse of the night sky, humans have been fascinated with the stars, planets, and universe that surrounds us. This course will introduce students to the study of astronomy, including its history and development, basic scientific laws of motion and gravity, the concepts of modern astronomy, and the methods used by astronomers to learn more about the universe. Additional topics include the solar system, the Milky Way and other galaxies, and the sun and stars. Using online tools, students will examine the life cycle of stars, the properties of planets, and the exploration of space.
Mysteries of the Solar System
SWLi (1 semester, .50 credit, prerequisite none)
Mysteries of the Solar System is an advanced course that employs an in-depth study of solar system topics and their particulars. Some of the information covered in the course will be similar to and will build upon the information covered in Astronomy Part 1. Mysteries of the Solar System serves as a prerequisite for Exploring the Universe. In this course, students will rigorously explore the study of astronomy by focusing on topics such as constellations, seasonal changes, time zones, phases of the Moon, and eclipses. The models of Aristotle, Ptolemy, and Copernicus will be compared and contrasted. Students will also study a variety of instruments astronomers use, including a celestial sphere and, more importantly, the telescope. Various types of telescopes will be discussed, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Students will then trace the space program from its origins to the modern day. This will lead into the study of both the formation and the composition of terrestrial planets, Jovian planets, comets, asteroids, and meteoroids. This course will also cover the effect the Moon and Sun have on the Earth, including a study of the Sun’s surface composition, temperature, magnetic field, and solar activity.
Explore the Universe
SWLi (1 semester, .50 credit, prerequisite Mysteries of the Solar System)
Throughout this course, students will rigorously explore the properties of stars, which include luminosity, brightness, size, distance to the star, and how these properties are measured.