The Year in Review
The 2013-14 season was one of the most dynamic in league history with nearly universal success in the classroom and on the field combined with new innovations and experiences. Here
is a look at some of the things that shaped the 2013-14 season.
Welcome to the New Peach Belt Conference Website!
content, allowing fans to look at standings, calendars and archived
news articles.
“PrestoSports and the Peach Belt Conference have worked together
AUGUSTA, GA – The Peach Belt Conference in partnership with
for many years and we are proud to launch a redesigned website for
PrestoSports is pleased to announce the launch of their completely
redesigned conference website. This new site represents the next step” says Ted Bardach, Vice President of Business
Development for PrestoSports. “The conference office staff provided a
forward in graphic integration with dynamic content and gives fans
unique concept for their new website and the PrestoSports team just
of the PBC and its 14 members a new way to keep informed of the
latest happenings in the league through interaction across a variety of had to put the pieces together. The final product provides the fans of
the Peach Belt Conference with a cutting-edge website platform with
the most updated information on their favorite teams.”
“We are thrilled with the design that we have come up with
The site will now also play video content direct in the main viewing
working with PrestoSports,” said PBC commissioner David Brunk.
window through the PBC’s YouTube channel. There is also a live video
“They have been an excellent partner and worked closely with our
player from Ustream which will carry all PBC championship live events
staff in developing our new site. We pride ourselves on pushing the
and provides links to each member school’s Ustream channel.
envelope in terms of features and design and we feel that this new
look perfectly complements the wealth of content the PBC website has The PBC has also integrated its social media endeavors like never
before. PBC Social will take fans to a brand-new graphic page, which
developed over the years.”
displays the latest from PBC Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest
The league office opted to stay with a black and orange color
along with a YouTube video player.
scheme, but the new site represents a complete makeover from the
The PBC Social link can be found in the new menu bar across the
top down. Fans will first notice the new scrolling scoreboard at the
top, which will be updated live as events take place. Below that is the top of the site. The menu bar is ‘sticky’ and will be constantly visible to
new feature story container with enlarged graphics. The site will now viewers no matter how far down any page they scroll. Also in the menu
bar are mainstays such as links to information, the PBC live scoreboard
display nine top stories at a time instead of four and feature tabbed
and PBC blog. The sports menu bar features a PrestoSports-first photo
The first episode of the PBC Now
3. One day at nearby Amicalola Falls State Park, her parents noticed
something was amiss. A fever developed. It wouldn’t abate despite
the efforts of Tylenol and confused doctors. After more than a week, it
spiked to a near-fatal 105.5 degrees and only relented after a life-saving
blood transfusion. Later, fearing the worst, specialists probed into the
3-year-old’s spine in six places to collect bone marrow. Though she was
young, “I do remember that pretty vividly,” Sandy says.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, doctors told her parents. Chemotherapy was the answer. Two-and-a-half years and many lost strands
of hair later, she celebrated
the day her chemo port was
They Made A Wish
removed from her shoulder,
leaving behind a scar that she
North Georgia women’s
remains proud of today. While
golfers Bridget Sandy
she was declared cancer-free,
and LeeAnn Noble were
the effects of her childhood
ordeal linger. Sandy is still testfeatured on the cover
ed to ensure that the cancer