2013-14 Catalog Jun. 2013 | Page 2

2 L I N N - B E N T O N C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 C A T A L O G

Table of Contents

Academic Information & Regulations ............ 7 Alcohol & Drug Policies ................................. 185 Associate of Applied Science Degrees ............... 59 Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degrees ..... 103 Associate of Science Degrees ............................ 25 Associate of Science in General Studies .......... 116 Campus Map .................................................. 192 Centers : Benton Center .............................................. 17 Linn County Centers ..................................... 18 Certificates ....................................................... 59 Course Descriptions ....................................... 119 Faculty & Staff Directory ................................. 186 Financial Aid .................................................... 10 Graduation Requirements ................................ 23 How to Enroll ..................................................... 4 How to Get Started - Admission .......................... 3 How to Get Started - Registration ........................ 6 Index ............................................................. 190 LBCC Associate Degrees Leading to OSU Degrees ............................................ 22 LBCC Degrees , Certificates & Programs of Study ........................................................ 21 Oregon Transfer Module ................................ 117 Other Learning Opportunities ........................... 19 Overview ............................................................ 3 Resources for Families ..................................... 18 Scholarships , Loans & Grants ........................... 13 Student Services - Academic Support ................ 15 Student Services - Student Support ................... 16 Tuition & Fees .................................................. 10 Veterans Affairs ................................................ 12 Workforce Education ....................................... 20
Catalog Information The information contained in the current LBCC Catalog and quarterly Schedule of Classes reflects an accurate picture of Linn-Benton Community College at the time of publication . However , conditions can and do change . Therefore , the college reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the matters discussed herein , including procedures , policies , calendar , curriculum , course content , emphasis and cost . Students enrolling in LBCC classes are subject to rules , limits and conditions set forth in the current General Catalog ; Schedule of Classes ; the Student Rights , Complaints , Freedoms and Responsibilities Policy ; and other official publications of the college .
Gainful Employment Information ( GE ) The Federal Government requires colleges to report the following information on our certificate programs that are not part of an associate degree program . Visit http :// public . tableausoftware . com / views / GE / CostofAttendance to review information on occupations associated with the programs , cost of attendance , loan debt for completers , on-time completion rates , and employment placement .
Nondiscrimination Policy LBCC prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race , color , religion , ethnicity , use of native language , national origin , sex , sexual orientation , marital status , disability , veteran status , age , or any other status protected under applicable federal , state , or local laws . For further information see Board Policy P1015 at http :// po . linnbenton . edu / BPsandARs /
If you feel you have been discriminated against in any interaction at Linn-Benton Community College or have been harassed by another person while at LBCC please contact us immediately based on the following :
A student complaint about another student – contact : Lynne Cox , 541- 917-4806 , coxly @ linnbenton . edu
A student complaint about an LBCC staff member – contact : Scott Rolen , 541-917-4425 , rolens @ linnbenton . edu
An LBCC staff member complaint about another staff member or student – contact : Scott Rolen , 541-917-4425 , rolens @ linnbenton . edu
Disability Accommodations The Office of Disability Services ( ODS ) provides reasonable accommodations , academic adjustments and auxiliary aids to ensure that qualified students and guests with disabilities have access to classes , programs and events at Linn-Benton Community College .
Students are responsible for requesting accommodations in a timely manner . To receive appropriate and timely accommodations from LBCC , please give the Office of Disability Services as much advance notice of your disability and specific needs as possible , as certain accommodations such as sign language interpreting take days to weeks to have in place .
Contact Disability Services at Linn-Benton Community College , RCH- 114 , 6500 Pacific Blvd . SW , Albany , Oregon 97321 , phone 541-917-4789 or via Oregon Telecommunications Relay TTD at 1-800-735-2900 or 1-800-735-1232 .